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   New & Recent Books on Hayek

Hayek's Challenge: An Intellectual Biography of F. A. Hayek by Bruce Caldwell

Economics as Ideology; Keynes, Laski, Hayek, and the Creation of Contemporary Politics by Kenneth Hoover

Hayek's Journey :  The Mind of Friedrich Hayek by Alan Ebenstein

Friedrich Hayek:  A Biography by Alan Ebenstein

F. A. Hayek as a Political Economist: Economic Analysis and Values edited by Jack Birner, et al

Hayek's Liberalism and its Origins : His Idea of Spontaneous Order &  the Scottish Enlightenment by Christina Petsoulas

Hayek and Keynes : The Money Economy by Gerry Steele 

Situating Hayek :  Phenomenology in the Neo-Liberal Project by Mark Smith

Hayek Revisited edited by Boudewijn Bouckaert &  Annette Godart Van Der Kroon  table of contents

The Hayek-Keynes Debate :  Lessons for Current Business Cycle Research by John Cochran & Fred Glahe   notes

Friedrich August von Hayek:  Die Tradition der Freiheit by Hans Hennecke

The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek edited by Peter Boettke

Beyond Liberalism:  The Political Thought of F. A. Hayek & Michael Polanyi  by R. T. Allen

  Books on Hayek -- Audio Cassette

Hayek: His Contribution to the Political & Economic Thought of Our Time by Eamonn Butler, on audio cassette

Hayek's View of Society and Law by Eric Mack

  Recent Books with Chapters on Hayek

Fabricating the Keynesian Revolution:  Studies of the Inter-War Literature on Money, the Cycle, and the Unemployment by David Laidler

Coercion:  A Nonevaluative Approach by Michael Rhodes

  Books on Hayek -- Alpha by Author

Beyond Liberalism:  The Political Thought of F. A. Hayek & Michael Polanyi (hb) by R. T. Allen

Hayek, Co-Ordination and Evolution: His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas (hb) edited by Jack Birner & Rudy Van Zijp 

The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek (hb) edited by Peter Boettke 

Hayek Revisited edited by Boudewijn Bouckaert &  Annette Godart Van Der Kroon  table of contents

The Hayek-Keynes Debate: Lessons for Current Business Cycle Research (hb) by John Cochran & Fred Glahe   notes  

Money and Business Cycles: The Economics of F.A. Hayek Vol. 1 (hb) edited by M. Colonna & H. Hagemann

Capitalism, Socialism and Knowledge: The Economics of F.A. Hayek Vol. 2 (hb) edited by M. Colonna, H. Hagemann & O. F. Hamouda

The Self, the Individual, and the Community: Liberalism in the Political Thought of F.A. Hayek and Sidney and Beatrice Webb (hb) by Brian Crowley

Friedrich Hayek:  A Biography by Alan Ebenstein

Hayek's Political Economy: The Socio- Economics of Order (hb) by Steve Fleetwood

Hayek the Economist and Social Philosopher: A Critical Retrospect (hb) edited by  Stephen Frowen

Hayek:  The Iron Cage of Liberty (pb) by Andrew Gamble

Hayek on Liberty, 3rd Edition (pb) by John Gray

Hayek on the Fabric of Human Society by Max Hartwell, et al  (Paperback)  Amazon UK

Friedrich August von Hayek:  Die Tradition der Freiheit by Hans Hennecke

A Philosophy of Individual Freedom: The Political Thought of F.A. Hayek (hb) by Calvin Hoy

Political Economy of Freedom: Essays in Honor of Friedrich A. Von Hayek (hb) edited by Kurt Leube

Hayek's Social and Political Thought (hb) by Roland Kley

Hayek and the Keynesian Avalanche by B.J. McCormick

The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics (hb) by John O'Neill

Hayek's Liberalism and its Origins: His Idea of Spontaneous Order &  the Scottish Enlightenment by Christina Petsoulas

Ordered Liberty and the Constitutional Framework: The Political Thought of Friedrich A. Hayek (hb) by Barbara Rowland

Marx, Hayek and Utopia (hb) by Chris Sciabarra

Situating Hayek: Phenomenology in the Neo-Liberal Project by Mark Smith

Hayek and Keynes: The Money Economy by Gerry Steele 

The Economics of Friedrich Hayek (hb) by G. R. Steele

Hayek and the Market (hb) by Jim Tomlinson

The Ethics of F.A. Hayek (hb) by Graham Walker

Friedrich A. Hayek: Critical Assessments (3 volumes) (hb) edited by John Wood & Ronald Woods

The Market: Ethics, Knowledge and Politics (pb) by John O'Neill

Marx, Hayek, and Utopia (pb) by Chris Sciabarra 

The Economics of Friedrich Hayek (pb) by G. R. Steele

The Ethics of F. A. Hayek (pb) Graham Walker

    Books with Chapters on Hayek 

Austrian Economics in Debate  edited by Willem Keizer et al 

Economics and Reality by Tony Lawson 

Individualism in Modern Thought: From Adam Smith to Hayek by Lorenzo Infantino 

Political Philosophers of the Twentieth Century  by  Michael Lessnoff 

The Handbook of Economic Methodology edited by John Davis, Wade Hands & Uskali Maki 

The Meaning of Market Process : Essays in the Development of Modern Austrian Economics by Israel Kirzner

Economics and Evolution: Bringing Life Back into Economics by Geoffrey Hodgson 

Economics and Reality by Tony Lawson 

Political Philosophers of the Twentieth Century by Michael Lessnoff 

The Triumph of Liberty by Jim Powell





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