May 28, 2003

TheAgitator points to some truly radical proposals for Africa -- coming from none other than the usually hopeless Nicholas Kristof:

note Kristof's bullet points for putting Africa on the road to recovery: Trade, not aid. Phase out agricultural subsidies and tariffs in the U.S. and Europe (you might add textiles to that, too). And, most certainly, allow foreign investment to get in on the ground floor in the Eritreas, Ethiopias and Malawis.

Throw in a radical push for sound property rights and de-statization, and you've got a program which might hope to throw back 50 years of LSE socialism on the African continent. Compare this with the increase in money aid for Africa proposed by Bush -- which Andrew Sullivan and Bob Geldof appear to think is somehow "radical". The dollar amounts may be funnelled in new directions (maybe even a better direction), but the dumping of money on Africa is nothing new -- in fact it has a long and sad history. Read the depressing story of Zimbabwe if you'd like.

Posted by Greg Ransom