July 14, 2003

PrestoPundit became a PrestoDaddy for the second time earlier today, a bit earlier than we'd expected. Mommy and baby are doing fine, and so is the new big sister. Perhaps understandably, blogging will be intermittent here at the PrestoPundit site for the week or so. In the mean time, there are lots of great blogs to read just to your right -- I'd especially recommend some of those in my "California Bloggers" category.

Or you might check out some of the articles which will be presented at the Dewey, Hayek and Embodied Cognition conference this weekend. The program includes a who's who of some of the very best people in the fields of neuroscience, economics, philosophy, the history of ideas and several other fields -- including some of my favorite Nobel Prize winners. This could easily turn out to be the most outstanding interdisciplinary academic conference of the decade.

Posted by Greg Ransom