Bound in a Nutshell has some solid California constitution nulification analysis, including this:
It is also clearly true that this impinges democracy. The court's opinion showed the court to have completely failed to understand the urgency of a recall election (an urgency which every other court to have heard a case on the subject grasped). The clear mandate in state law that recalls be dealt with promptly is brushed off as being of little import (despite mounting evidence that a six-month long recall campaign will paralyze state government, annoy the voters, and completely change the nature of the campaign and the effectiveness of the candidates). The will of the voters is being frustrated, and the pent up rage that caused the recall in the first place will merely intensify, and seek new targets. It's a politically tactless decision.And yet ... the central argument of the decision is one which has merit ..
Bound in's explanation why is worth a read.
Posted by Greg Ransom