October 22, 2003

School kids don't know much about Lewis & Clark.

My neice was stunned to learn at age 12 that there were still "Native American" Indians still alive today. She was not at first easily convinced by her grandmother that this was in fact the truth. She was sure that she had learned in school that all of them had been killed by white people.

Ironically, my neice wouldn't be here today if her great great grandmother hadn't hid in a field to escape an Indian massacre of settlers in Oregon country.

My unfortunate neice for two years was taught by a hippy-dippy teacher of the 60s generation -- who used "whole language" and failed to teach my neice to read. It wasn't until 4th grade that my neice began to read her first sentences. A disgrace. (Postcript -- she's now doing fine in school, according to the lowered standards of the day).

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