November 20, 2003

Would Hayek approve gay marriage? Worth noting -- portions of Hayek's The Fatal Conceit were written by the editor of the book -- who happened to have been gay -- when Hayek fell ill before the final completion of the manuscript. There has yet to be a full scholarly accounting of these non-Hayek passages in the book, which can be found throughout the text.

Hayek biographer Alan Ebenstein has called for a new edition of the book -- one actually written by Hayek -- and I'm in complete support of the idea. Until then, the publisher should be printing some sort of "reader beware" notice in the book, warning readers that all of the ideas in the book are not necessarily those of Friedrich Hayek.

Ebenstein discusses the Bill Bartley / Fatal Conceit matter in his new book Hayek's Journey

Posted by Greg Ransom