The Democrat Left. "American [leftism] has grown cowardly and anti-democratic. It boldly spouts clichés about "giving power to the people," but in reality it increasingly distrusts the people. Unable to win at the polls and unwilling to compromise on ideological objectives, [leftists]empower judges to fight their battles for them ..
We like to say that the increasingly ugly battles over judicial nominations are a sign of increasing partisanship in the culture, when in reality they are a completely rational outgrowth of the culture wars. Because from abortion to affirmative action to gay rights [leftists] have gladly ceded the unpopular choices to an imperial judiciary that is more or less immune to democratic correction. John F. Kerry says he's against gay marriage, but does anyone doubt that he would appoint precisely the sorts of judges who rubber-stamp the practice? Indeed, speaking of America's leading "multilateralist," one could say that the Democratic Party's fetishization of the United Nations, the International Criminal Court and "coalition-building" generally suggests that many [leftists] would like to outsource all their losing issues to undemocratic institutions and hence absolve themselves of any responsibility for unpopular policies .. ". more JONAH GOLDBERG.
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