March 02, 2004

Lies, Damned Lies & Paul Krugman. "Given Krugman's history of intentional distortions, does it surpise anyone that, after ommitting any mention of Medicare when discussing the Social Security surplus, he does NOT forget to mention it as a Bush "target" for "squeezing spending". Did you get that? Something like six months after Bush passes a huge new increase in Medicare spending, Krugman has the incredible gaul to talk of Bush trying to "squeeze" Medicare spending! .. ". MORE Rkayn Knowledge

UPDATE: "Krugman is the most intellectually dishonest person I've ever known. I'm dead serious. That he has a national forum in which to spew his venomous hatred is a travesty." -- Keith Burgess-Jackson, prof. of philosophy, U. of Texas. (hat tip Luskin)

UPDATE II: "Posts responding to columns of .. Paul Von Krugman have been scarcer here recently because, frankly, it is almost impossible to find a respect in which to take him seriously, including, without limitation, as an economist, a columnist, a reporter or as a provider of political arguments. He is mostly of "interest" as a free rider, degrading the credibility, good will and other intellectual property of institutions that have allowed him access to their respective tills: Princeton, the New York Times, the regretful John Bates Clark Medal committee and, increasingly, the Democratic Party itself .. ". more ROBERT MUSIL.

Posted by Greg Ransom