March 08, 2004

Bush on Autopilot. "Bush should come to San Francisco. A challenging audience would make him disengage the autopilot. Dubya's delivery Thursday was stale. It lacked fire. He told the crowd he was "looking forward to a spirited campaign, " but I'm still waiting for the spirited part. Instead, I heard the same stock phrases the president has delivered for so long that they have ceased to have any effect .. Bush should come to San Francisco to mix it up. Let him talk to people who aren't sold on him yet. Let him work for the applause. Let hecklers yell at him. That always worked for his predecessor .. ". more DEBRA SAUNDERS. It's hard to tell that Bush wants another term in the White House. Maybe he doesn't. And certainly anyone who really believes in lower LONGTERM tax rates and limited government surely isn't all that excited about four more years of this presidency. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack