March 13, 2004

Jobs. Why the slow job growth? Bruce Bartlett is on the case. Quotable:
Economist Brian Wesbury notes that there were more limited liability corporations established in Illinois last year than any year since this form of business was allowed in 1994. He reports that 18,600 LLCs were created in 2003, a 42 percent increase over 2002. Journalist Bill Hobbs reports similar data for Tennessee. He found that 7,412 LLCs were created in that state last year, up from 6,204 in 2002. As in Illinois, this is the largest number ever recorded.
UPDATE: Bill Hobbs: "I am continuing to dig up LLC formation data from other states and so far here is what I have found: In the seven states from which I've collected or received data, all seven saw record LLC formation last year." Posted by Greg Ransom