June 12, 2004

A Ronald Reagan Flag. My 2 year old loves to say "Ronald Reagan", a name she picked up over the week listening with me to the news. The kids and I were walking into McDonald's today, with a giant American flag standing out in front at half mast. I thought I'd entertain her by using the name "Ronald Reagan". Now, my daughter is a big fan of flags, so I said, "Do you see that flag? The flag is half way down today for Ronald Reagan." She looked up at me and simply asked "Why?". Maybe it was the way she said it. For a second or two I lost it. I was sad, I was thankful, I thought of death, love and many things. And I answered as best I could "Because Ronald Reagan is a good man" I said.

Later tonight, as my wife and I were watching the burial ceremony with the little ones, my daughter pointed at the screen and said, "Look daddy, it's a Ronald Reagan flag."

"Yes, it is," I replied. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack