August 14, 2004

DODGING THE CAMBODIA QUESTION -- this time its President.

From the White House transcript: Q Mr. President, Mr. Kerry seems to have a lot of trouble remembering dates -- when and if he was in Cambodia; who was President -- Nixon or Johnson -- when he was assigned to Vietnam; what bills in Congress he worked for and when; cannot remember if he campaigned in Oregon or California for George McGovern. Your last opponent you exposed with fuzzy math. It's time to expose John Kerry with fuzzy memory. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: You got a question?

On the "Kerry in Cambodia" story it's pretty clear that the truth is out there The people know it and they get it, despite a news blackout by the major Democrat news outlets -- CBS, NY Times, WaPo, LA Times, etc. The world has changed -- bandwidth is power -- and this citizen in Beaverton, Ore. is imploring the President to wake up and smell the coffee. He really doesn't have to play the NY Times' game anymore. Neither does he have to accomidate the three Democrat party chieftains at CBS, NBC, and ABC. But the President continues to play as if he had a very weak hand, do to the party politics of the major press outlets. I believe he is mistaken in this judgment. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack