September 24, 2004

BELDAR has a recap of the Van Odell -- Del Sandusky radio debate, in which the two Swift Vets provide conflicting accounts of the Rassmann rescue on the Bay Hap River. Quotable:
To support his claim that there was incoming enemy fire, Sandusky referred to records showing damage to PCF 94; Odell pointed out that those records referred to damage which PCF 94 had sustained on the previous day, and that PCF 94 actually ended up being the boat that towed the striken PCF 3 to safety .. Sandusky had no explanation for how the Swift Boats could have survived the supposed "5000 meters" of heavy enemy fire from both banks without any of the boats or their crew being hit during the hour-plus time it took to rescue and medevac out PCF 3's injured crew ..
Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack