October 02, 2004

THE LEFT SHOWS it's true colors -- standing ovations for a Robert Redford movie celebrating the life of a Stalinist killer.

UPDATE: See also this. Quotable:

The cult of Ernesto Che Guevara is an episode in the moral callousness of our time. Che was a totalitarian .. [he] presided over the Cuban Revolution's first firing squads. He founded Cuba's "labor camp" system .. [Indeed] to get a lot of other people killed was central to Che's imagination.
And here are some typical reviews:
It's got poetry to it -- the poetry of humanity.
"Walter Salles's stirring and warm-hearted film reconstructs a journey across South America."
The film is like a series of pretty postcards with poor people - Masterpiece Theatre for Marxists
A deeply felt and beautifully acted hagiography.
A mesmerizing look at an asthmatic, rich-boy medical student in the act of discovering his insurgent spirit.
this soulful and reflective film, as gentle as it is potent ..
Salles presents the evolutionary course of a young man who coincidentally became the dorm-room poster boy for an idealistic generation, and captures the lovely, heart-and-eye-opening ode to youthful possibility with affection and compassion.
Imagine such things written in reference to a new movie about, say, Hermann Göring or Reinhard Heydrich or Adolf Hitler or Joseph Mengele. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack


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