October 14, 2004

ECONOMISTS AGAINST JOHN KERRY. The signers include Nobel winners Edward Prescott, Milton Friedman, Robert Lucas, Gary Becker, James Buchanan, and Robert Mundell.

Other signers include William Allen, John Baden, Charles Baird, Don Bellante, Bruce Benson, Michael Boskin, Roy Cordato, Arthur M. Diamond, Jr., Martin Feldstein, Fred Foldvary, Bettina Bien Greaves, James Gwartney, Arthur Laffer, Deepak Lal, Larry Lindsey, Donald Luskin, Doug MacKenzie, Yuri Maltsev, Paul McCracken, Allan Meltzer, Steve Moore, E.C. Pasour, Jr., George Reisman, Mark Skousen, Ben Stein, Robert Tollison, Gordon Tullock, Richard Vedder, Richard Wagner, and Walter Williams, among many others.

What I see when I read that list is a lof of folks who learned applied price theory from Milton Friedman & his students, a lot of people who know their Friedrich Hayek, a lot of people who know their public choice theory, and a lot of people who understand the various fallacies of Keynesian economics. I also see a lot of economists with experiences outside of academia -- in think tanks, in public policy, and in the wider world of multi-disciplinary ideas. These aren't ivory tower "idiot savants" who do nothing but mine data and play mathematical games inapplicable to social phenomena (although it should be said that plenty of the signers excel at math and do lots of statisticals work).

More here. Posted by Greg Ransom