The dramatic story of Steve Ipsen's chance appearance on KFI's John and Ken show -- and how that appearance inspired Broadcom's Henry Nicholas and others across the state to take down Prop. 66 in the final days before the election -- was told today on the John and Ken show. Nicholas had never participated in politics before in his life. But in the course of less than a week, Nicholas and an inspired force of Broadcom volunteers had teamed with Gray Davis, Jerry Brown, Pete Wilson, George Deukmejian and Arnold Schwarzenegger to produce a series of ads which brought down Prop. 66, the three strikes gutting California ballot measure. Nicholas contributed $3 million of his personal fortune to the blizt -- and personally helped produce the TV and radio spots. Only two weeks ago Prop. 66 led in the polls 67-19. But then Nicholas, Schwarzenegger and the former governors kicked into gear. Meanwhile, Dep. District Attorney Ipsen sent out 500,000 copies of his The Insider to folks who had heard about it throught the John and Ken show. And the rest is California electorial history, with the measure going down to defeat 53-47.
Posted by Greg Ransom