November 05, 2004

AMERICAN BUSINESS on a hiring binge -- 337,000 new jobs added in October. These are the good times, people. It doesn't get any better than this, unless either the economy is made more free, or we go into a non-sustainable inflation driven economic bubble. If we want to make things even better, we need to free up the economy. What we DON"T need to continuing doing is main-lining funny money along with massive un-payed for government pork. The latter spells economic doom just around the corner. We have a choice to make, and for the sake of us all Bush and Greenspan better make the right one. We're in an economic boom and the time for Keynesian economic lies as an excuse for buying poeple's votes is OVER. We've got two years to put our fiscal and economic house in order. It won't be easy and we must begin right now.

See also this. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack