Daniel Weintraub -- Schwarzenegger proposes radical reforms - at last:
More than a year after he was elected governor in a historic recall that reflected the voice of California voters crying out for change, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has laid out an agenda that, in many ways, begins to live up to his potential.Shaking Spears:
In addition to the radioactivity of playing with the legislature�s safe districts, Schwarzenegger proposed 1) radically reforming the massive state employee pension fund from a traditional pension plan into an employee-directed program similar to a 401K where employees contribute out of their paychecks, 2) changing the state constitution to trigger automatic spending cuts if state spending outpaced revenues, and 3) instituting a merit-based performance pay for teachers.InstaPundit: "You know, it really is too bad that he's not eligible to run for President."Given the perpetual sclerosis of the California legislature, these proposals are beyond bold, and define Schwarzenegger as one of the most audacious reformers of the modern political era.
More reactions here and here.
Posted by Greg Ransom
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