The average state employee working as a secretary will have a pension worth nearly $1 million when [he or she retires] after 20 years.By the time I and my wife retire, the Federal government will have pushed retirement age past 70, and retirements will have been slashed. In California public workers retire at an earlier age every year -- right now at age 50, at either 90 or 100 percent pay.[And state workers get government matching funds] equal to more than 10 times what IBM just offered its employees as a pension match.
And -- it should be no surprise -- public services are being slashed in Bakersfield and across the state to free up funds for 50 year olds going out on retirement. Police rolls have been slashed, fire protection has been slashed. It's an outrage few Californians yet know about.
My thought for the day:
Government = crimean equation you can take to the bank in in Africa .. and in California. Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack