Collected Essays
F. A.
* = Particularly recommended.
! = Of Particular Historical Interest.
!*Boettke, Peter (editor). 2000. The
Intellectual Legacy of F. A. Hayek in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Vol.
1-3. Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Clerico, Giusseppe & Salvatore Rizzello (editors).
2000. Organizzazione, informazione e conoscenza. Saggi su Hayek,
Vol. I. Torino TET-Libreria.
Cunningham, Robert L. (ed.). 1979. Liberty and the Rule of
Law. College Station: Texas A & M University Press.
*Frowen, Stephen (ed.). 1997.
the Economist and Social Philosopher: A Critical Retrospect.
New York: St. Martin's Press; London: Macmillian.
!*Keizer, Willem, Bert Riben & Rudy Van Zijp (eds).
1997. Austrian Economics in Debate. London:
*M. Colonna and H. Hagemann (eds.). 1995. Money and
Business Cycles: The Economics of F. A. Hayek, Vol. 1. London:
Edward Elgar
*Colonna, M. & H. Hagemann & O. F. Hamouda, (eds.).
1994. Capitalism, Socialism and Knowledge: The Economics of F. A. Hayek,
Vol. II. Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Birner, Jack & Rudy van Zijp (eds.). 1994. Hayek, Co-Ordination
and Evolution: His legacy in philosophy, politics, economics, and the history
of ideas. London: Routledge.
Frei, Christoph & Robert Nef (eds.). 1994. Contending
with Hayek: On Liberalism, Spontaneous Order and the Post-Communist
Societies in Transition. Berlin: Peter Lang.
Leube, Kurt & Albert Zlabinger, (eds.). 1985. The Political
Economy of Freedom: Essays in Honor of F. A. Hayek. München:
Philosophia Verlag.
!*Machlup, Fritz (ed.). 1976. Essays on
Hayek. New York: New York U. Press.
Contents: George C. Roche III, "The Relevance of Friedrich A. Hayek". Fritz
Machlup, "Hayek's Contribution to Economics". Arthur Shenfield, "Scientism
and the Study of Society". Ronald Max Hartwell, "Capitalism and the Historians".
William F. Buckley, Jr., "The Road to Serfdom: The Intellectuals and Socialism".
Gottfried Dietze, "Hayek and the Rule of Law". "The Achievement of Friedrich
A. Hayek". Arthur Shenfield, "Friedrich A. Hayek: Nobel Prizewinner".
Meyer, Fritz. 1979. Zur Verfassung der Freiheit: Festgabe
fur Friedrich A. von Hayek zur Vellendung seines achtzigsten Lebensjahres.
Ordo. Vol. 30. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Varlang.
Contents: James Buchanan, Milton Friedman, Israel Kirzner, Ludwig Lachmann,
Chiaki Nishiyama, "Anti-Rationalism or Critical Rationalism", Karl Popper,
Charles Rowley, Arthur Seldon, and George Stigler.
!*Wood, John Cunningham & Ronald N. Wood. 1991.
Friedrich A. Hayek: Critical Assessments, Vol. 1-3.
London: Routledge.
Seldon, Arthur. (ed.). 1984. Hayek's 'Serfdom' Revisited.
London: The Institute of Economic Affairs.
Contents: John Burton, "Introduction'; Aurthur Seldon, "Recollections"; Hannes
Gissurarson, "The Only Truly Progressive Policy .."; John Gray, "The Road
to Serfdom: Forty Years On"; Norman Barry, "Ideas Versus Interests: The Classical
Liberal Dilemma"; Jeremy Shearmur, "Hayek and the Wisdom of the Age"; John
Burton, "The Instability of the `Middle Way'; Karen I. Vaughn, "The Constitution
of Liberty From an Evolutionary Perspective".
!*Machlup, Fritz (ed.). 1976. Essays on
Hayek. New York: New York U. Press.
Contents: George C. Roche III, "The Relevance of Friedrich A. Hayek". Fritz
Machlup, "Hayek's Contribution to Economics". Arthur Shenfield, "Scientism
and the Study of Society". Ronald Max Hartwell, "Capitalism and the Historians".
William F. Buckley, Jr., "The Road to Serfdom: The Intellectuals and Socialism".
Gottfried Dietze, "Hayek and the Rule of Law". "The Achievement of Friedrich
A. Hayek". Arthur Shenfield, "Friedrich A. Hayek: Nobel Prizewinner".
!*Streissler, Erich, Gottfried Haberler, Friedrich Lutz
& Fritz Machlup, eds. 1969. Roads to Freedom: Essays
in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek. New York: Augustus M.
Essays by Erich Streissler, Jacques Reuff, Peter Bauer, James Buchanan, Karl
Popper, Gottfried Haberler & Friedrich Lutz.
Seldon, Arthur (ed.). 1961. Agenda for a Free Society: Essays on Hayek's
The Constitution of Liberty, edited by Arthur Seldon. London: Hutchison.
Dostaler, Gilles & Ethier Daine, eds. 1989. Friedrich
Hayek: philosophie, economie et politique, Paris:
Critical Review. 1997. Vol. 11, No. 1. (Winter).
Special issue on Hayek.
Critical Review. Vol. 3, No. 2. 1989. (Spring). Special
issue on F. A. Hayek.
*Cultural Dynamics. 1991. Vol. 3.
- Special
Issue on F.A. Hayek's Theory of Cultural Evolution. Contents: Don LAVOIE: "Introduction to
F.A. Hayek's Theory of Cultural Evolution: Market and Cultural Processes
as Spontaneous Orders". Mario J. RIZZO, "Hayek's Four Tendencies Toward
Equilibrium"; Israel M. KIRZNER, "Knowledge Problems and Their Solutions:
Some Relevant Distinctions"; Ronald A. HEINER, "Hayekian Competition: From
Co-ordination to Creation". Peter J. BOETTKE, "The Theory of Spontaneous
Order and Cultural Evolution in the Social Theory of F.A. Hayek". G.B.
MADISON, "Between Theory and Practice: Hayek on the Logic of Cultural Dynamism".
*History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
- Special issue on "Subjectivism, information and Knowledge in
Hayeks Economics". Richard Arena, "Foreword".
Salvatore Rizzello, "The endogenous asymmetrical information: the
market for lemons according to Hayeks legacy". Jack
Birner, "The surprising place of cognitive psychology in the work of F.
A. Hayek". Pierre Garrouste, "Is the Hayekian evolutionism
coherent?". Carlo Zappia, "The economics of information,
market socialism and Hayeks legacy". Thierry Aimar,
"Time, coordination and ignorance: a comparison between Hayek and
Lachmann". Sandye Gloria-Palermo, "On the limits of the
modern Austrian revival". Peter Rosner, "The Austrian
research on business cycles". Richard Arena, "The
Hayek/Keynes controversy in the light of modern business cycle theory".
1999. Revue d'Economie Politique. No. 6 (Nov-Dec).
- Perspectives Hayekiennes sur l'analyse Economique. Christian
Schmidt, "Avant propos". Gilles Dostaler, "Hayek,
Keynes et l'economie orthodoxe". Ferdinando Meacci, "Capital
et temps dans l'analyse hayekienne des fluctuations economiques".
Stephane Longuet, "Cycle et marche du capital dans 'Prix et
Production'". Jack Birner, "The place of the Ricado Effect
in Hayek's Economic Research Programme". Christian Schmidt &
David Versaille, "Une theorie hayekienne de la connaisance economique?"
Carlo Zappia, "The Assumption of Perfect Foresight and Hayek's Theory
of Knowledge". Richard Arena, " Hayek et l'equilibre
economique: une autre interpretation". Sandye Gloria-Palermo,
"Les fondements mengeriens de l'analyse des processus economiques par
Hayek". Stavros Ioannides, "The Market, the Firm, and
Entrepreneurial Leadership: Some Hayekian Insights". Pierre
Garrouste, "La firme "Hayekienne" entre institution et
*Wirtschaftspolitische Blatter. 1989. Vol.
36, No. 2. Festschrift in honor of F. A. Hayek.
This bibliography is a part of the most extensive compilation of works and
discussions on Friedrich Hayek to be found anywhere. Additions, corrections
and suggestions are welcome at:
© 1996-2000. Greg Ransom.