Discussions on Hayek - Best
on the Web
! = Of Particular
Historical Interest. % = Short Disc. + = Substantial Disc.
Magazine, Newspaper & Web Articles
- !Boettke, Peter. 1992. "Friedrich A. Hayek
(1899-1992)." The Freeman (Aug).
!Cassidy, John. 2000. "The
Price Prophet". New Yorker. (Feb. 7):
!Cassidy, John. 2000. "The
Hayek Century". Hoover Digest. No. 3.
!Crowley, Brian. 1999. "The
Man Who Changed Everyone's Life: The Ubiquitous Ideas of F. A.
Hayek". Montreal Economic Institute.
- Ebeling, Richard. 1996. "Up From Serfdom:
Friedrich A. Hayek and the Defense of Liberty".
- !+Ebeling, Richard. 2001 "F.
A. Hayek: A Biography". Mises Institute. March 26.
- !Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. 1995. "Government and Money: Competing
Currencies -- Private Competition".
- Formaini, Robert. 1999. "Hayek
-- Social Theorist of the Century". Economic Insights.
Vol. 4, No. 1.
- Garrison, Roger. 2002. "F.A.
Hayek as 'Mr. Fluctooations': In Defense of Hayek's 'Technical
Economics'". ama-gi
(Spring). Vol. 5, No. 2.
- !Garrison, Roger. 1999. "Hayek Made No Contributions?"
The Freeman, vol. 49, no. 5 (May), 1999, pp. 6-7.
- Gregg, Samuel & Wolfgang Kasper.
1999.. "No
Third Way: Hayek and the Recovery of Freedom". Policy.
(Winter). (pdf file)
- !Hazlett, Thomas. 1999. "Hayek's
Heroes: The greatest idea of the 20th century paid off on its biggest
day". Reason. Dec. 1999.
- !+Horowitz, David. 1998. "Marginalizing Conservative
Ideas". Heterodoxy. Nov.
- !Jackson, Kerry. 1999. "Economist
Friedrich A. Hayek: Faced a Lifetime of Challenges As If He Never Knew Any Fear". Investor's
Business Daily. p. A6.
- Kasriel, Paul. 2001. "The
US Economy: A Textbook Austrian School Business Cycle?".
Northern Trust Economic Commentary. March 30.
- +Kirzner, Israel. 1982. "Competition, Regulation, and
the Market Process". Policy Analysis. No. 18. Sept. 30.
- !LeGere, John. 1998. "A
Soldier of the Great War". The Consilence Report. No. 9.
Oct. 13.
- !+Lindbeck, Assar. 1999. "The
Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of
Alfred Nobel 1969-1998".
- !London School of Economics. 2000. "Friedrich
von Hayek".
- Novak, Michael. 2000. "Defining
Social Justice". First Things. No. 108.
(Dec): 11-13.
- !+Postrel, Virginia. 1999. "After
Socialism". Reason. (Nov).
- !+Postrel, Virginia. 2000. "We
Are Not All Hayekians Now". Forbes. (March 20).
- Postrel, Virginia. 2004. "Friedrich
the Great" Boston Globe. Jan. 11.
- Sacks, Jonathan. 2000. "Markets
and Morals". First Things. No. 105.
(Aug/Sept): 23-28.
Articles from Books & Academic Journals
- Blundell, John. 1999. "Hayek and the
Second-Hand Dealers in Ideas". Introduction to The
Intellectuals and Socialism by F. A. Hayek. London:
Institute for Economic Affairs.
- +Boettke, Peter. 1996. "Economic Calculation:
The Austrian Contribution to Political Economy."
!Boettke, Peter. 2000 "F.A.
Hayek as an Intellectual Historian of Economics". George Mason
Working Papers in Economics. WPE No. 00.03.
- !Boettke, Peter. 2000. "Which
Enlightenment, Whose Liberalism?: Hayek Research Program for Understanding
the Liberal Society". Introduction to The Legacy of
Friedrich von Hayek edited by Peter Boettke. Edward Elgar.
- !Caldwell, Bruce. 1997. "Hayek
and Socialism". J. of Econ. Lit. Vol. 35.
(Dec.) pp. 1856-1890.
- !Caldwell, Bruce. 2002. "Recovering
Popper". A review essay of Malachi Hacohen, Karl
Popper: The Formative Years, 1902 � 1945. (Word)
- DiZerega, Gus. 1989. "Democracy
as Spontaneous Order". Critical Review.
(Spring). pp. 206-240. (pdf format)
- DiZerega, Gus. 1997. "Market
Non-Neutrality: Systematic Bias in Spontaneous Orders".
Critical Review. (Winter). (pdf format)
- Ebenstein, Alan. 2001. "Chapter
One: Family" from Friedrich
Hayek: A Biography. New York: Palgrave.
- !Edwards, Lee. 1995. Goldwater:
The Man Who Made a Revolution, Chapter One
- Feser, Edward. 2003. "Hayek
on Tradition". J. of Libertarian Studies. Vol. 17 No.
1. (Winter). pp. 17-56. (pdf format)
- !Garrison, Roger & Israel
Kirzner. 1989. "Friedrich
August von Hayek" in John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, and Peter Newman, eds., The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics,
London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1987, pp. 609-614.
- Garrison, Roger. 1986. "The Hayekian
Trade Cycle Theory: A Reappraisal," Cato Journal, vol. 6, no.
2 (Fall), 1986, pp. 437-453.
- Gray, John. 1982. "F.
A. Hayek and the Rebirth of Classical Liberalism". Literature
of Liberty. Vol 5, No. 4. (Winter).
- Guest, Chris. 1997. "Hayek (1899-1992) On
- !Hamowy,
Ronald. 2000 "F.A.
Hayek, on the Occasion of the Centenary of His Birth". Cato
Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2. (Fall).
- +Horwitz, Steven. 1998. "Monetary Calculation and
Mises's Critique of Planning". HOPE, Vol. 30.
- +Horwitz, Steven. 1997. "Keynes and Capitalism
One More Time: A Further Reply to Hill". Critical Review.
- Keeler, James. P. 2000. "Empirical
Evidence on the Austrian Business Cycle Theory". [pdf]
Draft. Final version published in The Review of Austrian Economics,
Vol. 14, No. 4. (Dec.), 2001.
- Klein, Daniel. 1998. "Planning and the Two Coordinations, With
Illustration in Urban Transit". Planning & Markets
- ! Lindsey, Greg. 1997. "Threats to Freedom Then and Now: The
Mont Pelerin Society After 50 Years". Policy. Autumn.
- Macedo, Stephen. 2000. "Hayek's
Liberal Legacy". Cato Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2.
- !Muller, Jerry. 2001. "The
Untimely Liberalism of Friedrich Hayek". From Muller's
forthcoming book.
- O'Driscoll, Gerald. "The Meaning of
Hayek". Cato Journal.
- Powell, Jim. 2000. "The
Life and Times of F. A. Hayek, Who Explained Why Political Liberty is
Impossible Without Economic Liberty". From The Triumph of
Liberty, by Jim Powell, New York: The Free Press.
Raeder, Linda. 1998. "Liberalism and the Common
Good: A Hayekian Perspective on Communitarianism". Independent Review.
Vol. 2, No. 4. (Spring):
- Raeder, Linda. 1997. "The Liberalism/Conservatism of
Edmund Burke and F. A. Hayek: A Critical Comparision". Humanitas.
Vol. X, No. 1.
- !Selgin, George. forthcoming. "Hayek versus Keynes on
How the Price Level Ought to Behave". History of Political Economy.
- Smith, Barry. 1997. "The
Connectionis Mind: A Study of Hayekian Psychology".
- Vanberg, Viktor. "Hayek's Constitutional
Political Economy". Cato Journal.
- ! +Watkins, John. 1997. "Karl Raimund Popper
19021994". Proceedings of the British Academy. Vol. 94. (Dec):
- Whitman, Douglas. 1998. "Hayek
contra Pangloss on Evolutionary Systems". Constitutional
Political Economy. Vol. 9.
- Zappia, Carlo. 1997. "Private Information,
Contractual Arrangements and Hayek's Knowledge Problem". In Austrian
Economics in Debate, ed. by W. Keizer, B. Tieben &R. Van Zijp. London:
- Zywicki, Todd. 2000. "Was
Hayek Right About Group Selection After All? Review Essay of Unto
Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior".
Review of Austrian Economics.
Academic Manuscripts & Working Papers
- Butos, William & Thomas McQuade. 1999. "Mind,
Market and Institutions: The Knowledge Problem in Hayek's
Thought". (pdf format). Working Paper.
- *Caldwell, Bruce. 2000.
Right for the Wrong Reasons?". Presidential Address - HES
2000 Conference, Vancouver. (U. of North Carolina, Greenboro)
- *Caldwell, Bruce. 2002. "Popper
and Hayek: Who Influenced Whom?"
Presented at the Karl Popper 2002 Conference in Vienna. (Word)
- *Feser, Ed. 1998. "Hayek's Solution to the
Mind-Body Problem". Presented at the "Towards a Science of
Consciousness (Tucson III)" conference in Tucson, AZ.
- *Gissurason. Hanes. 1985. "A Conservative Case for
Liberalism?". Paper presented at the Mont Pelerin Society Pacific
Regional Meeting in Sydney, Australia. Aug.
- *Horwitz, Steven. 1994. "The Sensory Order to
the Liberal Order: Hayek's Non-Rationalist Liberalism".
- *Mahoney, Paul. 2000. "The
Common Law and Economic Growth: Hayek Might be Right".
(Jan) U. of Virginia Law School, Legal Studies Working Paper No. 00-8
- *Ransom, Greg. 1996. "Friedrich Hayek's Copernican Revolution in
Economics: The Role of Myth and Misunderstanding in Social Science Narrative".
Paper presented at the History of Economics Society Annual Meeting in Vancouver,
B.C. June 1996 and the Southern Economics Association Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Nov. 1996.
- *Vriend, Nicolaas. 1999. "Was
Hayek an Ace?". Working Paper Series No. 403.
Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London.
Abstracts & Outlines
Interviews Discussing Hayek
Television Broadcasts
- ##* 1999. "Friedrich
Hayek, Away from Serfdom". Think Tank, hosted by Ben
Wattenberg. With Milton Friedman, Karen Vaughn, Ronald Hamoway, and
Dean Baker. June 26, 1999. Public Broadcasting System.
Press Releases
College Course Syllabi
Magazine, Newspaper & Web Articles
Interviews discussing Hayek
Articles from Books & Academic Journals
Manuscripts & Working Papers
Abstracts & Outlines
College Course Syllabi
If you have a paper or abstract concerning Friedrich Hayek or some aspect of his work
available on the Internet and you would like a link to your paper or
abstract included in the bibliography of writings on Hayek, please send a message to Greg Ransom
at: gransomemail -at- cox.net providing
your name, the title of your paper, and the URL or any other appropriate Internet address
where an Internet surfer might gain access to your paper on the net.