Bibliography of book reviews by Friedrich A. Hayek


Hayek, F. A.  1981.  "The Best Book On General Economics In Many a Year".  Review of Knowledge and Decisions by Thomas Sowell.  Reason.  Vol. 13.  (Dec): 47-49.

Hayek, F. A.  1971.  "Nature v. Nuture Once Again".  Comment on The Evolution of Man and Society by C. D. Darlington.  Encounter.  (Feb):

Hayek, F. A.  1964.  Review of Epistemological Problems of Economics by Ludwig Mises.  Teachers College Record.  (March):  556-557.

Hayek, F. A.  1957.  Review of Mill and His Early Critics by J. C. Rees.  J. of Modern History.  (June): 54.

Hayek, F. A.  1954.  "Schumpeter on the History of Economics".  Review of History of Economic Analysis by Joseph Schumpeter.  The Freeman.  

Hayek, F. A.  1953.  "The Acton Revival".  Reviews of Lord Acton: A Study in Conscience & Politics by Gertrude Himmelfarb & Acton's Political Philosophy by G. E. Fasnacht.  The Freeman.  (March 23):  461-462.

Hayek, F. A.  1952.  "Harrod's Life of Keynes".  Review of The Life of John Maynard Keynes by R. F. Harrod.  J. of Modern History.  Vol. 24, No. 2.  (June): 195-198.

Hayek, F. A.  1945.  "Is There a German Nation?".  Review of Germany's Three Reichs by Edmond Vermeil.  Time & Tide.  (March 24): 249-250.

Hayek, F. A.  1944.  Review of The Decline of Liberalism as an Ideology -- With Particular Reference to German Politico-Legal Thought by John Hallowell.  Economica.  Vol. 11.  (Aug):  159.

Hayek, F. A.  1941.  Review Nationalokonomie by Ludwig Mises.  Economic Journal.  Vol. 51.  (April): 124-127.

Hayek, F. A.  1940.  Review of Capitalism The Creator by Carl Snyder.  Economica.  Vol. 7, No. 28.  (Nov):  437-439.

Hayek, F. A.  1940.  Review of Studies in the Theory of Money and Capital by Erik Lindahl.  Economica.  Vol. 7, No. 27.  (Aug): 332-333.

Hayek, F. A.  1939.  Review of John Bates Clark: A Memorial.  Economica.  Vol. 6.  223-224.

Hayek, F. A.  1938.  Review of Adam Smith as Student & Professor by William Scott.  Economica.  Vol. 5:  359-361.

Hayek, F. A.  1936.  Review of Bibliography of Economics, 1751-1775,by Henry Higgs.  Economica.  (Feb): 99-100

Hayek, F. A.  1934.  Review of De l'utilite: et de sa mesure by Jules Dupuit.  The Economist Monthly Book Supplement.  (June 9): 47.

Hayek, F. A.  1932.  Review of Richard Cantillon's Essai sur la nature du commerce en general, edited by Henry Higgs.  Economic Journal.  Vol. 24.  (March): 61-63.  

Hayek, F. A.  1931.  "Refections on the Pure Theory of Money of Mr. J. M. Keynes (continued)".  Review of A Treatise on Money by J. M. Keynes.  Economica.  Vol. 12, No. 35.  (Feb):  22-44..  

Hayek, F. A.  1931.  "Refections on the Pure Theory of Money of Mr. J. M. Keynes".  Review of A Treatise on Money by J. M. Keynes.  Economica.  Vol. 11, No. 33.  (Aug):  270-295.  

Hayek, F. A.  1929.  Review of Der Tauschwert des Gelds by Hans Neisser.  Weltwirtschafliches.  Vol. 29, No. 1: 103-106.

Hayek, F. A.  1929.  Review of Die Theorie der Kapitalbildung by Wilhem Ropke.  Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie.  Vol. 1, No. 3: 474-475.

Hayek, F. A.  1929.  Review of Angewandte Lohntheorie: Untersuchungen uber die wirtschaflichen Grundlagen der Sozialpolitik by Richard Stirgl.  Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie.  Vol. 1, No. 1.  (May): 175-177.

Hayek, F. A.  1925.  Review of Grenznutzen un Wirtschafsrechnung by Leo Schonfeld.  Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaften.  Vol. 54, No. 2: 547-552.

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