Bibliography --
Writings on Hayek by Date
-- 1999
* = Particularly recommended. ! = Of Particular Historical Interest. % = Short Disc. + = Substantial Disc.
# = Reliability Caution. ## = Substantial Reliability Caution. ### = Extreme Reliability Caution.
!*Cochran, John & Fred Glahe. 1999. The Hayek-Keynes Debate: Lessons for Current Business Cycle Research. Lampeter, UK: Edwin Mellen Press.
+Lessnoff, Michael. 1999. Political Philosophers of the Twentieth Century. New York: Blackwell.
Smith, Mark. 1999. Situating Hayek: Phenomenology in the Neo-Liberal Project. London: Routledge
*Feser, Edward. 1999. Russell, Hayek, and the Mind-Body Problem. Dept. of Philosophy, UC-Santa Barbara.
Rim, Il-Seop. 1999. Regularity of Human Actions and Spontaneous Market Order in the Hayekian Perspective. Division of Economics, Graduate School of Seoul National University.
Collected Essays
1999. History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2. Special issue on "Subjectivism, information and Knowledge in Hayeks Economics". Richard Arena, Foreword. Salvatore Rizzello, "The endogenous asymmetrical information: the market for lemons according to Hayeks legacy". Jack Birner, "The surprising place of cognitive psychology in the work of F. A. Hayek". Pierre Garrouste, "Is the Hayekian evolutionism coherent?". Carlo Zappia, "The economics of information, market socialism and Hayeks legacy". Thierry Aimar, "Time, coordination and ignorance: a comparison between Hayek and Lachmann". Sandye Gloria-Palermo, "On the limits of the modern Austrian revival". Peter Rosner, "The Austrian research on business cycles". Richard Arena, "The Hayek/Keynes controversy in the light of modern business cycle theory".
1999. Revue d'Economie Politique. No. 6 (Nov-Dec). Perspectives Hayekiennes sur l'analyse Economique. Christian Schmidt, "Avant propos". Gilles Dostaler, "Hayek, Keynes et l'economie orthodoxe". Ferdinando Meacci, "Capital et temps dans l'analyse hayekienne des fluctuations economiques". Stephane Longuet, "Cycle et marche du capital dans 'Prix et Production'". Jack Birner, "The place of the Ricado Effect in Hayek's Economic Research Programme". Christian Schmidt & David Versaille, "Une theorie hayekienne de la connaisance economique?" Carlo Zappia, "The Assumption of Perfect Foresight and Hayek's Theory of Knowledge". Richard Arena, " Hayek et l'equilibre economique: une autre interpretation". Sandye Gloria-Palermo, "Les fondements mengeriens de l'analyse des processus economiques par Hayek". Stavros Ioannides, "The Market, the Firm, and Entrepreneurial Leadership: Some Hayekian Insights". Pierre Garrouste, "La firme "Hayekienne" entre institution et organization".
1999. Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines. Part I. (June/Sept). Vol. IX, No. 2 & 3. Edwin Feulner, "Hayek's Meaning to a Modern American Conservative". Israel M. Kirzner, "Hedgehog or Fox ? Hayek and the Idea of Plan-Coordination". Karen I. Vaughn, "Hayek's Theory of the Market Order as an Instance of the Theory of Complex, Adaptive Systems". William N. Butos &Roger Koppl, " Hayek and Kirzner at the Keynesian Beauty Contest". Warren J. Samuels, "Hayek From the Perspective of an Institutionalist Historian of Economic Thought: An Interpretive Essay". Jean-Pierre Centi, "Money and Credit in an Open-Ended Universe". Kurt Leube, "On the Foundation of the Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research and the Methodological Problems of Economic Forecasting". Raimondo Cubeddu, "Friedrich A. von Hayek and Bruno Leoni". Norman Barry, "Hayek's Theory of Law". Gerard Radnitzky, "Hayek's Political Philosophy - A Critical Assessment". Jeremy Shearmur, "Hayek and the Future of Political Philosophy". Antony Flew, "Hayek's Response to Rawls".
1999. Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines. Part II. (Dec). Vol. IX, No. 4. Mario J. Rizzo, "Which Kind of Legal Order? Logical Coherence and Praxeological Coherence". Jacques Garello, "Hayek's Unconventionalism". Jean-Philippe Feldman, "Hayek's Critique of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights". Frédérique Chaumont-Chancelier, "Hayek's Complexity On Entrepreneurship and the Market Process". Maria Minniti & Roger Koppl, "The Unintended Consequences of Entrepreneurship". Jean-Gabriel Bliek & Didier Calcei, "Hayek's Anti-Cycle Theory as the Rule of Necessity". Gérard Bramoullé, "Hayek's Epistemology and Methodology: Between Mises and Popper". Leonard P. Liggio, "The Pilgrimage to Liberty".
Aimar, Thierry. 1999. "Time, coordination and ignorance: a comparison between Hayek and Lachmann". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
Arena, Richard. 1999. "The Hayek/Keynes controversy in the light of modern business cycle theory". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
*Birner, Jack. 1999. "The Place of the Ricardo Effect in Hayek's Economic Research Programme". Revue d'Economie Politique. Vol. 6.
*Birner, Jack. 1999. "The Surprising Place of Cognitive Psychology in the Work of F. A. Hayek". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
Block, Walter. 1999. "The Gold Standard: A Critique of Friedman, Mundell, Hayek, Greenspan". Managerial Finance. Vol. 25, No. 5. 15-33.
*Corrales, Jorge. 1999. "A cien años del nacimiento de Hayek". (A hundred years of Hayek's birth). Acta Academica. Universidad Autónoma de Centro América. (Mayo).
+Czarnetzky, John. M. 2000. "Time, Uncertain, and the Law of Corporate Reorganizations". Fordham Law Review. Vol.LXVII, pp. 2939-3004.
*Formaini, Robert. 1999. "Hayek -- Social Theorist of the Century". Economic Insights. Vol. 4, No. 1.
Garrouste, Pierre. 1999. "Is the Hayekian evolutionism coherent?". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
Gloria-Palermo, Sandye. 1999. "On the limits of the modern Austrian revival". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
*Gregg, Samuel & Wolfgang Kasper. 1999.. "No Third Way: Hayek and the Recovery of Freedom". Policy. (Winter). (pdf file)
!*Hamowy, Ronald. 2000 "F.A. Hayek, on the Occasion of the Centenary of His Birth". Cato Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2. (Fall).
#!Hoover, Kenneth. 1999. "Ideologizing Institutions: Laski, Hayek, Keynes and the Creation of Contemporary Politics". J. of Political Ideologies. Vol. 4, No. 1. (Feb.): 87--**.
*+Klein, Daniel. 1999. "What Do Economists Contribute?: Introduction". In What Do Economists Contribute? edited by Daniel Klein. New York: New York U. Press
*!+Klein, Daniel. 1999. "The Ways of John Gray: A Libertarian Commentary". Independent Review.
Kukathas, Chandran. 1999. "The 'Asian Way' and Modern Liberalism: A Hayekian Perspective". Policy. Vol. 15, No. 2. (Winter): 3-9.
*Macedo, Stephen. 2000. "Hayek's Liberal Legacy". Cato Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2. (Fall).
Rizzello, Salvatore. 1999. "The endogenous asymmetrical information: the market for lemons according to Hayeks legacy". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
Rosner, Peter. 1999. "The Austrian research on business cycles". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
Vaughn, Karen. 1999. "Hayeks Theory of the Market Order as an Instance of the Theory of Complex, Adaptive Systems". Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines.
*White, Lawrence. 1999. "Hayek's Monetary Theory and Policy: A Critical Reconstruction". J. of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 31, No. 1. (Feb): 109-120.
Zappia, Carlo. 1999. "The Assumption of Perfect Foresight and Hayek's Theory of Knowledge". Revue d'Economie Politique. Vol. 6.
Zappia, Carlo. 1999. "The economics of information, market socialism and Hayek's legacy". History of Economic Ideas. Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2.
Manuscripts & Working Papers
Click Here to see manuscripts & working papers, 1999.
Book Reviews
!+#North, Douglass. 1999. "Orders of the Day". Review of The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstruction of Social Order, by Francis Fukuyama. Reason. (Nov)
*Vanberg, Viktor. 1999. Review of Hayek: Economist & Social Philosopher, edited by Stephen Frowen. Cato Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3. (Winter). pp. 465-471.
Magazine, Newspaper & Web Articles
Ball, Carlos. 1999. "Centenario de Hayek".
Boudreaux, Donald. 1999. "Hayek Turns 100". The Freeman. (May).
!*Brahmananda, P. R. 1999. "Hayek's Relevance to Indian Inflation". Hindu Business Line. May 8. p. 14.
!*Brenner, Reuven. 1999. "The Road to Freedom". Forbes Global. May 17.
##!Dunham, Kemba. 1999. "The Millennium: One Thousand Years of Ideas: Best & the Brightest Economic Thinkers Who Made a Difference". Wall Street Journal. Jan. 11, 1999.
Die Universitat (U. of Vienna). 1999. The Hayek Centennial. May.
Ebeling, Richard. 1999. "Friedrich A. Hayek: A Centenary Appreciation". The Freeman. Vol. 49 No. 5. (May): 28-??.
The Economic Times Editorial Board. 1999. "Philosopher of Freedom". Economic Times. May 8.
Feulner, Edwin Jr. 1999. "Freedom's Prophet". Wall Street Journal. May 7. p. A8.
Fowley, Jim. 1999. "Is The Road to Serfdom Relevant to the 21st Century?".
Hackbarth, Sean. 1999. "Hayek's Alien Abduction".
Investors Business Daily editorial board. 1999. "Heeding Hayek". Investors Business Daily. May 7.
!*Jackon, Kerry. 1999. "Economist Friedrich A. Hayek: Faced a Lifetime of Challenges As If He Never Knew Any Fear". Investor's Business Daily. p. A6.
McCain, Robert. 1999. "Conservatism's Nobel laureate feted at 100". Washington Times. Vol. 19, No. 18. (May, 6): A2.
!*Minard, Lawrence. 1999. "A Centenary Worth Marking". Forbes Global. May 17.
Mitra, Barun. 1999. "The Legacy of Hayek". Economic Times.
Mitra, Barum. 1999. "Hayek's Road to Freedom".
The Orange County Register Editorial Board. 1999. "Hayek Stood Tall as a Champion of Freedom". May 9.
Palmer, Tom. 1999. "F. A. Hayek: Prophet of the Modern World".
!*+Postrel, Virginia. 1999. "After Socialism". Reason. (Nov).
!*John Searle, John. 1999. "Mein Jahrhundertbuch: 'Der Weg zur Knechtschaft' von Friedrich A. von Hayek". Die Zeit.
*Tarapore, S. S. 1999. "Understanding Hayek". Business Standard. May 21.
*The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board. 1999. "Hayek's Revolution". Wall Street Journal. May 7. p. A8.
Press Releases
!Adam Smith Institute. 1999. "Hayek 'Man of the Century'". Adam Smith Institute On-line Bulletin.
!Friedman, Milton, et al 1999. "Can Creeping Socialism Be Stopped?" Conference program topic for the Mont Pelerin Society Regional Meeting, Vancouver, Canada August 29 - September 1, 1999.
Television Broadcasts
Friedman, Milton, et all. 1999. "Friedrich Hayek, Away from Serfdom". " Think Tank", hosted by Ben Wattenberg, with Milton Friedman, Karen Vaughn, Ronald Hamoway, and Dean Baker. June 26, 1999. Public Broadcasting System.
Shorter Discussions
*%Martens, Rolf. 1999. Die Spontane Matrix: Thesen zu einer Ordnungstheorie von Cyberspace und Internet.
*!%Fukuyama, Francis. 1999. "Second Thoughts: The Last Man in a Bottle". National Interest. (Summer).
%Pipes, Richard. 1999. "Life, Liberty, Property". Commentary. (March): 17-21.
!%##Paul Samuelson, Paul. 1999. "Two gods that fail (implications of switching from socialism to capitalism". Challenge. Vol. 42, I. 5. (Sep-Oct) pp. 29-34.
%Vedder, Richard. 1999. Interview. Austrian Economics. (Spring).
Newspapers & Magazines
Novak, Michael. 1999. "The Millennium That Was". The Wall Street Journal. (Dec. 23).
This bibliography is a part of the most extensive compilation of works and discussions on Friedrich Hayek to be found anywhere. Additions, corrections and suggestions are welcome at: GregRansom@home.com