June 10, 2003

The very public dishonesty of Paul Krugman begins to enter the cringe territory. And it should make us all think a little bit harder about what goes on in academia -- because this man is out of the academic world, and his dishonesty stretches beyond the editorial pages of the NY Times. Among other things, Krugman has grossly and repeatedly misrepresented the ideas of Friedrich Hayek -- and he has repeatedly failed to correct his misrepresentations when informed about them. It's all about "ideology" and partisan politics for Krugman, and this isn't so unusual in academia -- especially for those of a certain age. And the big problem in most of the humanities and "social sciences" is that there is little or no critical check -- beyond pure formalism for its own sake. (And note well, a great deal of the stuff that gives you credit for "empirical" work is privileged just because its allows for a display of formalism, and not because it provides any decisive or even telling critical utility.)

Posted by Greg Ransom