June 19, 2003

Davis is a goner for lots of reasons, but the whole thing is symbolized by how Davis & Co. are giving it to us with the car tax. The California Insider explains:

I'm blogging this morning aboard the Capitol Corridor train to the Bay Area, via a wireless connection through my cell phone. Pretty cool. Here is a link to today's column, in which I describe how the Legislature's lawyer has cast doubt on the legality of the governor's plan to triple the car tax. My colleague Alexa Bluth, meanwhile, reports that the administration is set to pull the car tax trigger any day. I wouldn't expect the new legal opinion to affect that decision. There is a long history in the Capitol of ignoring the Legislative Counsel when their advice goes against what the majority wants to do. But don't be surprised if someday a court throws the whole thing out.

Also, aside from the legal questions, isn't the way Davis is raising this tax incredibly cowardly? Does he really expect people to believe that it's somehow a decision made by robotics, untouched by human hands? I still maintain that this habit of his of denying responsiblity for his decisions is as big a factor in his unpopularity as his policies themselves. This one is starting to look remarkably like the electricity rate increase of 2001. That was the right thing to do, but Davis could never bring himself to advocate for it, and denied that he had anything to do with it after it happened.

Posted by Greg Ransom