June 27, 2003

Who needs Instapundit when there's ScrappleFace:

Supreme Court: Texans Too Stupid To Rule State

(2003-06-26) -- In a little noticed addendum to today's Lawrence and Garner v. Texas decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the citizens of Texas are not intelligent enough to rule their own state.

Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy noted, "Representative government is a good notion as far as it goes. But the citizens of Texas clearly lack the mental ability to elect representatives and make laws properly. We'll be keeping eye on them to protect them from themselves."

Justice Kennedy also wrote that "citizens of many other states probably lack the intellectual capacity to rule themselves as well, which is why the Supreme Court exists, and why none of us can afford to retire. Imagine what would become of this nation without our sovereign rule."

Posted by Greg Ransom