July 13, 2003

Leftist cowboys of the world unite! Blair, Schröder, Chrétien and other Left leaders back a policy of armed invasion in a policy seemingly contrary to the idiotic articles of the U.N Charter:

Tony Blair is expected to put his name today to a declaration justifying armed intervention against failing states. He and other Left-wing national leaders will expound the principle, which runs counter to traditional thinking about national sovereignty, at the end of a four-day conference on the subject of "progressive governance".

I'm sure there is some clause in there somewhere that says this is only ok for countries led by proper Leftist governments, and is to be strickly forbidden for the United States, at least during those periods when America is led by a Republican President -- or some such phraseology. ScrabbleFace, the story is all yours ..

Posted by Greg Ransom at July 13, 2003 10:30 PM
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