July 30, 2003

PrestoPundit FLASHBACK -- June 11, 2003 -- the day PrestoPundit began seriously blogging the Davis Recall:


"Our elected officials in Sacramento are facing a budget crisis unseen in this state since the Great Depression, and it was entirely avoidable .. Teachers are getting pink slips, cops are getting laid off and the taxpayers are facing an increase in taxes and California's future is in danger."
Arnold Schwarzenegger, last night before the Club for Growth in Los Angeles -- an event making the 25th anniversary of the Proposition 13 tax revolt.

Schwarzenegger at one point in the speech remarked that he'd forgotten the governor's name, but added, "I know that you will help me recall him."

More Schwarzenegger:

"There comes a point when we the people must demand more out of our elected officials than for them just showing up .. Howard Jarvis used to say it is time to show the politicians who is the boss. We are at such a point right now, ladies and gentlemen."
The two best Gray Davis recall web sites I've found is are these: RescueCalifornia.com and RecallGrayDavis.com

And who opposes the recall? -- Those who've pocketed the most cash: state prison guards, firefighters, and big business.

UPDATE: A new California polls show voters ready to lash out at politicians behind the state's budget meltdown -- and the constant drumbeat for ever higher tax increases.

Time magazine has a consultant saying this:

"The odds of the recall qualifying have increased to the point of near certainty."
The Washington Post has a long story on the Davis recall.

The LA Times has a feature story on Congressman Darrell Issa, who's leading the recall of Gov. Davis in California. Key fact: Issa has given $645,000 to the recall effort -- so far. Most of the article appears to be a bit of an early hit piece against Issa and his likely run against Davis should the recall succeed. All indications are that it will.

Meanwhile, Reuters leads with news that the Davis recall is moving ahead quickly. Key fact: recall organizers likely have 700,000 signatures already -- only 897,158 valid signatures are required. Organizers say that something like 1.2 million recall signatures should assure enough valid signers for recall success.

CALIFORNIA BULLETIN: Arnold Schwarzenegger backs Gov. Davis recall, calls for voter revolt. Tells audience he can't remember the governor's name, would like them to help him recall .. California's can join the recall at GrayDavisRecall.com

Posted by Greg Ransom


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