August 09, 2003

A quick quiz for Rush Limbaugh -- name the California governor who racked up annual 12 percent state spending increases and also signed one of the first pro-choice laws in the country. This governor also had "Hollywood values" when it came to gays. And he was well-known for not being much of a father to the kids from his second marriage. Get a grip Rush. We're electing a state Governor -- a politician -- not a Bishop in the church.

Another head-up for Rush and the rest of you national "conservatives" who haven't been keeping up with what is happening in California. The business problem in California is a regulation, bureaucracy and lawsuit problem, much more than it is a tax problem. Think workman's comp, hazardous materials lawsuits, union regulations, zoning, redevelopment ripoffs, construction regulations, and on and on. It will take a businessman -- a really smart businessman like Schwarzenegger -- to go and clean up this anti-business mess. Yes business taxes need to be cut -- but this is a secondary problem set next to the problems of workman's comp and all the rest.

Posted by Greg Ransom