August 24, 2003

Republicans - 47%; Bustamante - 35%; Undecided - 9%; Larry Flint - 1%.

LA Times Poll (pdf)

Schwarzenegger in this poll gets only 39% of the Republican vote -- real fallout from the ill-advised Buffett and Lowe appointments. One wonders how many of the 44% who polled "unfavorable" for Schwarzenegger are stanch Republicans not happy with Buffettology on property taxes -- or with Rob Lowe as "a senior Schwarzenegger advisor" (which turned out to be press spin on Lowe's role as a Hollywood fundraiser). For a few days there, my opinion of Schwarzenegger sank into the "unfavorable" category as well. I guess that's why they call these things "snapshots". Will Schwarzenegger's Republican vote reach Weintraub's magic 70%? I'd like to see some of the "overnights" since Schwarzenegger's ad hit the air -- and since his very forceful statements Wednesday on taxes and government reform.

Posted by Greg Ransom