August 25, 2003

Bullsh*t on stilts. Graffiti is philosophy -- "crime is freedom", "worthless 'self=expression' is priceless art", "private property is tyranny", etc, etc., blah, blah, blah we've heard it all before -- more nihilistic worship of the criminal mentality from, oh guess who -- the Los Angeles Times. And -- your tax dollars at work -- an academic from back East. Boy he must be a smartie.

What daring and iconoclastic "cultural jammers" those LA Times editors are and how clever, unique and "subversive" is this academic -- just give me a fricken penny for every one -- and please oh please don't make me read another word of it. Ever. And, God help us, please Lord Almighty, somebody quit stuffing my Introduction to Philosophy texbooks with this, a, ripe brilliance. Only leads to grafitti .. of the "this is bullsh*t" variety.

Posted by Greg Ransom