September 25, 2003

During the debate PrestoPundit had his hands full trying to calm a fussing baby disturbed by a fussing Arianna. Meanwhile, Hugh Hewitt was living the life at the Balboa Bay Club & Resort enjoying the debate in style with a group of Orange County Republicans. Quotable:

There were many Tom McClintock supporters among the crowd, but it was strongly supportive of Arnold, a great sign of reality among the conservatives. Tom didn't lose any votes immediately, but he didn't gain any. His attacks on Pete Wilson were bad form, and suggest that he is still in this because of an old grudge. That didn't play well at all. He knows his stuff, but while Arnold and Cruz used the closing remarks to tell stories, Tom was still selling competence. It didn't work. His support, already drifting away, will continue moving towards AS. Tom needed the combination of a breakthrough, four home run performance coupled with a disaster for Arnold. He got neither.
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