September 27, 2003

Latinos, Asians & blacks prefer a color-blind society more than do whites. Quotable:

The poll .. found that 46 percent of Latinos, 42 percent of Asian-Americans and 41 percent of blacks support [Proposition 54] - while just 31 percent of whites favor it .. Prop. 54, written by University of California Regent Ward Connerly, would amend California's constitution to prohibit any government agency or school from classifying people by race or ethnicity - an effort he says is necessary to achieve a "colorblind society."

A significant proportion of the electoriate remains undecided. And it looks like many black voters have yet to pick a candidate in the race to replace. Quotable:

Only 17 percent of blacks support [Cruz Bustamante]. [While] Arnold Schwarzenegger's support .. [is] 7 percent among blacks.

In other words, less than one quarter have decided among the front runners. It's hard to imagine that this vote will break for McClintock or the crazy lady. Perhaps what we have here are potential recruits for the Feinstein "no on recall --- no on the race to replace" voting strategy. But I think most people will want their vote to count as much as it can in as many ways as it can.

Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack