October 01, 2003

MSNBC profile -- candidate Schwarzenegger captivates the voting public. Quotable:

Even before Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy, his advisers spent weeks during the summer meeting with focus groups of voters of all political persuasions to gauge their feelings for Davis and to see if the actor had political credibility. What they say they found was an across-the-board disdain for the governor — and an opportunity for the actor. “The anger was palpable,” one Schwarzenegger adviser said. “Even Democrats thought Davis was wishy-washy, and when he acted it was only in his self-interest. What they wanted far more than anything was leadership. There would be some laughing and giggling at first about Arnold becoming a candidate, but it wasn’t really a hard sell. It seemed like he could be a perfect contrast to Davis, in a climate when voters wanted change.”
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