October 06, 2003

The Brokaw-Schwarzenegger interview -- transcript. Brokaw says that Schwarzenegger's alleged actions are criminal. All the lawyers and law professors I've read on the matter say the opposite. Is Brokaw making it up as he goes? Or is he simply reading directly from the Davis campaign talking points memo?

Tim Graham weighs in:

It's just a slimefest in the morning these days. NBC's "Today" featured Tom Brokaw's interview with Arnold, and Brokaw lectured Arnold that some of these groping matters could be considered criminal. Isn't that cute? Tom Brokaw could never even let the words "Juanita Broaddrick" escape his lips -- and now he's lecturing Arnold [about sexual assualt] ...

UPDATE: Tim Graham has more:

Tom Brokaw on why the Paula Jones allegations, which became a very large legal problem for Bill Clinton: "Why didn't we put it on earlier? It didn't seem, I think to most people, entirely relevant to what was going on at the time. These are the kinds of charges raised about the President before. They had been played out in the Gennifer Flowers episode. The American public had made a kind of decision about his personal conduct and whether it had relevance in his personal life. And it seemed at that time it didn't have the news weight." That's Brokaw on the CNBC show "Tim Russert," May 9, 1994, on avoiding the Jones allegations for three months.
Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack