October 09, 2003

Goodbye Sacramento .. Hello Las Vegas!!

UPDATE: Poynter Online:

Note to WashPost: LAT's Rivenburg sometimes pens satire A Los Angeles Times staffer writes: "Do you remember when the China News Agency lifted as straight news a satiric piece from TheOnion? It seemed the Chinese did not get satire. The same apparently holds true for the District of Columbia. The Washington Post has just done the same thing to the LATimes. The LAT has run a hilarious recall feature for many weeks by Roy Rivenburg -- totally satiric and fictional exaggerating and distorting all the crazy recall stuff. On Oct. 5, the WashPost published this (last paragraph) on the Las Vegas tiger attack:"The illusionists have also played a role in the California recall election. The Los Angeles Times has reported that their manager, Bernie Yuman, contributed $150 in Belgian chocolates to the campaign of Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, while Gov. Gray Davis (D) pledged in August that he would fight to retain his job "like one of those cool white tigers owned by Siegfried and Roy."

It's clearly based on an Aug. 5 LAT satire: July 23: On the campaign trail, Davis vows to "fight the recall like a Bengal tiger." When informed that Bengal tigers are on the verge of extinction, Davis pledges to "fight like Tony the Tiger." Aug. 7: Davis resumes his tiger theme, this time promising to "fight like one of those cool white tigers owned by Siegfried and Roy. Or maybe like Tiger Woods, whichever sounds meaner."

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