October 12, 2003

Berkeley Dean of Journalism: Most Bay Area residents are Lefties because they're not stupid like most folks in conservative areas -- and they don't live in those God forsaken places conservatives inhabit. Quotable:

"It strikes me that the better educated people are, more often than not, they tend to be more liberal, and I think this is a very well-educated area," said Orville Schell, noted author and dean of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

The intellectual attributes of the region are matched by its physical setting -- a place of such beauty and splendor that people come here and never leave.

"When you live in a beautiful place, which the whole Bay Area is, you draw people for whom that is important and the idea of preservation, moderation, of walking a little more softly, is important. And I think that creates a kind of liberal mind-set in an environmental sense and in a larger political sense," Schell said.

"There's really something here that is still worth protecting. You can't really say that about Los Angeles or many cities of America. They're finished.

These are the kind of folks who are training the reporters and editors at places like The LA Times. Get used to it.

I well remember journalism classes taken with a professor who ever four years served as a delegate to the Democrat Party National Convention. I learned not to raise my hand much.

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