December 04, 2003

Hugh Hewitt has archives! And he's just been named official sommelier of California by governor Schwarzenegger. Unbelievable! Hewitt has some interesting things to say about Schwarzenegger, the Demo candidates, and the power of conservative radio:

The [LA] Times seems bitter that Arnold is using radio to communicate, writing that the "friendly hosts have become essential communication arms of [Arnold's] government.". Slowly it is dawning on some of the state's elites that the radio world presents an alternative means of communicating with millions of Golden State voters. The newspapers are the dinosaurs; the radio shows have become fast paced and mobile. The newspapers pile up unread. The radio shows provide instant impact with large audiences.

Howard Dean and the rest of the Democratic wannabees should take note of Arnold's understanding: Radio shows combine large audiences of potential voters with an opportunity to communicate directly with them. The Dems cower from the prospect of mixing it up with the center-right hosts, but there is only gain to be had if they know what they are doing. (Dean probably has to stay away from radio given his tendency to fly off the handle. Radio doesn't help the unstable.)

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