January 08, 2004

KFI 640 Los Angeles -- the #1 talk radio station in America. Congratulations guys. A highlight of the station is the John and Ken Show in the afternoon. The talk hosts have been simply brilliant on the state overspending mess, immigration, Michael Jackson and about every other interesting story coming down the pike in California. These are the men who've led successful tax revolts in two major states (New Jersey and California). Their #1 target now is Bush's new open borders plan, and if this blows apart in George Jr.'s face John and Ken will be as responsible as anyone. Believe it or not The John and Ken Show now has more listeners than The LA Times has readers, and the boys are mobilizing this massive listener base against the Bush plan to flood the country with cheap illegal labor. Already Congressmen are feeling the heat go up -- and are lining up to appear on the John and Ken show to voice their stand against the President and his open borders immigration plan. Got to love it.

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