January 09, 2004

"Free trade" -- what is interesting is that we indeed do have "free trade" (essentially untaxed exchange) between America businesses and foreign workers / businesses beyond our borders, but we DO NOT have "free trade" between American businesses and American workers -- these exchanges are taxed at confiscatory rates. True "free trade" would put all exchanges on equal footing -- penalizing all exchanges at the same rate. So my call is for free trade within America between Americans -- let Americans be on an equal footing with foreign workers and foreign businesses. Americans -- American workers -- should be able to contract exchanges with American businesses at the same tax rate as foreigners. My call, in other words, is for a FLAT TAX that does not descriminate between American firms or workers and foreign firms and workers, and thus AGAINST American firms and workers. This is a tax cut for American workers and businesses that would make Bush's tax cut look like the small change that it truly is. Any takers?

Posted by Greg Ransom