January 23, 2004

U.S. border agents vs. Bush on Bush's open borders plan. Why should we show up to work in the morning? agents ask. Quotable:

[Border agents report] evidence that an immigration wave already had begun [in response to Bush's open borders proposal]. People recently detained along the border, the agents said, have demanded "amnesty" upon their capture ...

And this from the San Diego Union-Tribune:

Of 162 people stopped for using phony documents at San Ysidro since Bush announced his plan on Jan. 7, 94 said they were trying to enter because of the proposed new work program .. [and] Border Patrol officials have reported a 15 percent increase in the use of phony documents at the San Ysidro port compared with the same period a year ago.

Note well -- the first quote is from an LA Times news story (!), the first ever heard of on the problem of illegal immigration from a paper which is popularly know as The Left Angeles Times.

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