If Bush is going to to give us a massively larger goverment moral decency between generations demands that he give us the massive tax increases that must go with it. Simple economic sanity can hardly demand anything else (and I'm tired to death of Republicans spouting brain-dead Keynesian economics in the name of a bogus "supply side" economics that has no real world relevance to the tax rate system of 2004). I for one will not go along with the beggering of the next generation for no imaginable reason other than the political ambitions of Peter Pan half-wits in the Republican Party.
And make no mistake about it. There is not even the smallest thing "conservative" about tax cuts and spending increases as far as the eye can see. Republicans who pretend otherwise are selling a "free lunch" that wastes wealth, decapitalizes the country and burdens the next generation with a massive negative compound interest problem. All that is being done is a con job on public in which the people are fooled into thinking they and the country are wealthier than they really are -- and that govenment goodies are a costless "free lunch". Well, there is no free lunch. The classic "unseen" cost of this "free lunch" shell game is the cost which will be born by later generations who will be burdened with the massive weight of government debt, rather than advantaged by the wealth stream made possibly by private sector capital goods investment. And again, this cost is far, far more massive than any Peter Pan big government Republican can ever imagine -- (and God help us if they attempt to use their scientifically fraudulent Keynesian mathematics, or, worse, the fantasy mathematics of "supply side" economics. It ain't 1962 folks, and it ain't even 1982).
Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack