January 30, 2004

Not a Parody -- How to Help Your Husband Make More Money So You Can Be a Stay-At-Home Mom.

Discussed in this article, "Rachel Johnson reveals how to work at home with your children: get someone else to look after the kids". Quotable:

The only equipment you will need in your toolkit at this stage are a working husband, a home computer and a room well sound-proofed .. Then all you need to do is start tap-tap-tapping away, contributing columns for online newspaper sites, parenting websites, actual newspapers, or writing thinly fictionalised novels about your own astonishing experience of becoming a mother .. You write wry, unsentimental columns about the day your daughter’s pet bunny died and how this enabled the whole family to discuss bereavement in a healthy yet compassionate way .. You write a searingly honest piece dealing with the self-esteem issues that loom when men ask, ‘And what do you do? Or are you just a mum?’ halfway through a dinner party, after you’ve interrogated them over two courses about their golf handicap and City job, and you start idly imagining whether they would look more attractive with an axe buried in their skull. Or you write handbooks (or run websites) for mothers just like you ..
Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack


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