February 13, 2004

Bias in Academia. "Robert Munger, chairman of the [Duke U.] political science department .. recalled a recent meeting in which he heard a fellow department chairman say it was Duke's job to confront conservative students with their hypocrisies and that they didn't need to say much to liberal students because they already understood the world.

"There was no big protest [at the meeting], and that was wrong," Munger said. Munger said the history department's political makeup surprised him, however. "Thirty-five Democrats and no Republicans? If you flip a coin 35 times, and it ends up heads every time, that's not a fair coin," he said. The people who say, 'I don't think ideology is appropriate in hiring would have to look at the process that provides such a skewed outcome," he said . . ". MORE.

Posted by Greg Ransom