February 15, 2004

TRADE WAR. Why don't we hear more about the ongoing trade war against the American worker? Free trade means the elimination of trade tarrifs -- taxes -- between people engaging in exchange. American businesses are allowed to engage in free trade with with foreign workers (either directly or via exchanged goods) -- but American businesses don't and can't engage in free trade with American workers. Why? Because the U.S. government has a huge wall erected between American workers and American business -- a trade wall of high taxation. Indeed the American government has effectively declared war -- a trade war -- against American workers and the businesses who wish to employ them.


How can anyone argue that American business should be allowed to engage in free -- untaxed --trade with overseas workers, and not at the same time advocate the complete elimination of the trade wall which exists between American workers and American employers? All of the arguments for free trade between American businesses and foreign employees and foreign goods apply no less to American employees and American goods. BUT THERE IS NO FREE TRADE BETWEEN AMERICAN WORKERS AND AMERICAN COMPANIES. A huge trade wall of taxation stands between American firms and American workers. With every American job that is "outsourced" overseas, a huge trade wall of taxation in the order of 30% and more is immediately removed between employer and employee. It is time, America, to TEAR DOWN THAT WALL and tear it down right here at home.

UPDATE: And don't miss this one on Outsourcing, Unemployment Statistics and the Black Market for Immigrant Labor.

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