February 17, 2004

Quotable Steyn: "Did you know a couple of weeks ago the president signed an $820-billion appropriations bill that, among other boondoggles, puts Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on the public dime? .. If rock 'n' roll requires federal funding, we might as well give up. A government with its fingers in every pie is unlikely to have enough left over for the handful of pies it should have its fingers in. It was summed up by Americans' only glimpse of the president on the morning of September 11, 2001: the commander in chief being informed of the first attack on the American mainland in nearly 200 years while speaking to grade-schoolers in Florida. That image encapsulates everything that is wrong with both parties' approach to government ..

The president should not be the national school superintendent, the pharmacist in chief, the curator of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or the inspector-general of Janet Jackson's breasts. And, if neither politicians nor the electorate understands that at a time of war, then republican government is doomed .. ".

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