February 20, 2004

Leftist Academia. Prof. Edward Feser mixes it up with some truly nasty leftist profs. I'm not sure why Ed is wasting his time on these tenured thugs. These folks aren't in Ed's league as either scholars or gentlemen, and when you wrestle in the mud with vipers, all you'll get is bit.

But let me say that my experience at several universities provides only confirmation of Ed's example of academic bias in the classroom:

If, for example, a course in political philosophy is offered in which the readings comprise selections from the likes of the liberal philosopher John Rawls, the libertarian Robert Nozick, and various feminist and left-of-center communitarian critics of Rawls, with no conservative writers assigned at all and with Nozick treated as an easily-refuted eccentric whose views are not shared by any other contemporary philosopher worth reading, then students will -- obviously -- get the impression that the left-of-center views are the only realistic options. And this sort of thing is, I submit, extremely common in the contemporary university.
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