June 11, 2004

Reagan -- "many think of him as religious". That is the unbelievable headline for a story on Reagan and religion in the OC Register. Well, Ronald Reagan attended church services his whole life before he became President, and attended church regularly after he left the White House (before he was struck down by Alzheimer's). The full OC Register headline reads: "Worshippers found president inspirational -- Reagan skipped services, but his views and attitude make many think of him as religious". And the "news" story reads: "But unlike avid churchgoers George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, Reagan begged off Sunday services .. Nevertheless his optimistic demeanor, combined with the support of religious activists and his position on social issues, left an impression of spirituality on many."

Note well, a mere "impression of spirituality".

The article never mention the fact that Reagan attended church his whole adult life, with the singular exception of the time serving in the White House after being shot in the first months of his Presidency. Indeed, the full story leaves the distinct "impression" that Reagan never attended church throughout his adult life -- a complete falsehood. In any case, whole books have been written attesting to Reagan's religious faith and practice -- an overwhelming theme of his life. But these books aren't cited -- although a book by Reagan hater Garry Wills does get quoted.

The unavoidable reality is that reporters are hired because they can write, not because they have any genuine depth of understanding about anything -- which, as we've just seen, can result in some truly embarrassing journalism.

(Sorry, the OC Register's truly horrible web site turned up zero search results for this story. If you know how to locate it, send me a note.) Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack