June 20, 2004

The Clinton Book. The NY Times has a dandy review of Bill Clinton's My Life. Quotable: "The seeds of his adult self can be glimpsed in an autobiographical essay he wrote in high school: "I am a living paradox � deeply religious, yet not as convinced of my exact beliefs as I ought to be; wanting responsibility yet shirking it; loving the truth but often times giving way to falsity." It is only because Mr. Clinton was president of the United States that these excavations of self .. are considered newsworthy .. The nation's first baby-boomer president always seemed like an avatar of his generation .. yet the former president's account of his life, read in this post-9/11 day, feels strangely like an artifact from a distant .. era. Lies about sex and real estate .. psychobabble mea culpas .. all seem like pressing matters from another galaxy, far, far away." Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack