June 27, 2004

BushCheney '04 "F"-bombs the Michael Moore Democrats.

George Bush may get my vote after all. BushCheney '04 goes bare knuckles against the Michael Moore Democrats in this web-only video ad [wmv] from the The Official Re-election Site for President George W. Bush.

And the unspoken F-word here is Fascist. BushCheney 04' is laying down the gauntlet and saying what needs to be said -- the Michael Moore Democrats have seriously raised the stakes by promoting a kind of anger and deceit unheard of in America discourse outside of the circles of the Fascist Left.

The consequential lies and rage of Al Gore, Ted Kennedy, George Soros, Howard Dean, Michael Moore, etc. must be opposed forthrighty and with clear eyes -- with a clear understanding that this ain't bean bag and these aren't decent people and these "big" lies aren't without civic and mortal consequence.

Let's be straight. Kennedy, Moore, et al are not Communists or Fascists, but it is right and necessary to say that consistent "big lie" raging certainly is behaving like the Communists and Fascists -- and this is absolutely intolerable in America.

If you don't understand how Kennedy or Moore or Dean have been practicing the politics of lies, read a book or get the facts from someone like Sean Hannity on the radio. It ain't my job to make sure you know what the truth is -- the truth is out there and its easy to get. That's your job.

Read the AP story on the Bush ad here.

UPDATE: This may explain alot when you consider that the Democrat Party has been led in recent years by the likes of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, Terry McAuliffe and Al Gore.

UPDATE II: Read an alternative perspective here.

UPDATE III: Michael Barone's latest "The Media Joins the Big Lie Game" is a must read.

Quotable: "Bush and Cheney have in fact been careful not to claim that Iraq and Al Qaeda collaborated on 9-11. Yet Democrats and many in the media claim they have. Their argument -- I heard it recently from Clinton National Security Council staffer Nancy Soderberg -- is that by mentioning Iraq-Al Qaeda ties many times, Bush and Cheney are trying to fool the public into believing that they collaborated on 9-11. So while they don't claim collaboration on 9-11, they do. Words evidently mean the opposite of what they mean. George Orwell's Winston Smith would feel at home."

"The media and the Democrats have been using one Big Lie after another to attack Bush. Another example: the Times' White House reporter wrote that Bush claimed the threat from Iraq was imminent. But Bush actually said was the threat wasn't imminent, and then he proceeded to argue that we should act anyway. It's interesting that no one at the Times caught this obvious error."

"It is common knowledge that about 90 percent of journalists vote Democratic, and it is common sense that this must affect their news coverage. A recent survey of journalists found that only 7 percent call themselves conservative versus 34 percent liberal and 59 percent moderates, and that the large majority of moderates took liberal stands on issues. Ordinarily most journalists try to be fair and accurate. But it's hard to resist the conclusion that at least some have crossed the line and are, consciously or unconsciously, actively trying to defeat the president." Posted by Greg Ransom | TrackBack